General Cepheus Druinov, v2 Video

General Cepheus Druinov From Planet Denkerth, v2
Vanessa Moylan-Theodore

General Cepheus Druinov from planet Denkerth.  He’s 330 years old, on planet Earth, but he is 60 years old on his home planet of Denkerth.

He has a wife (Neoma, 315 years old on Earth & 45 on Denkerth) and two kids (two daughters: Tiza, 125 years old on Earth & 30 on Denkerth, and Matzalen, 125 years old on Earth & 30 on Denkerth - twins)back with twenty grandchildren back home (all Tiza’s)

Went to college, Denkerth University (Harvard equivalent) and got a Supreme (Denkerth’s equivalent to a Masters Degree) in Political Science.

General Cepheus’ hobbies include:
Surfing in the Toxic Holocaust Ocean of the neighboring planet, Nesippe.
Jamming out on the organs of his enemies (synthesizer) with his 5000’s cover EDM band, The Probes.
Collecting space rocks from all the galaxies and planets he visits while on military duty.

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Vanessa Moylan-Theodore


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